Karela Sagle



  • 2-3 medium sized bitter gourds
  • 1/3 coconut grated
  • 6-7 roasted red chillies
  • 1 1/2 lump marble sized piece of tamarind
  • 1 teaspoon coriander roasted in a little oil
  • jaggery and salt to taste
  • Method

    Wash and cut bitter gourd finely , add some salt, and keep aside for at least 1/2 an hour.

    Make a masala with coconut gratings, chillies, tamarind, coriander seeds and jaggery. The masala need not be very fine.

    Heat oil, and put in some of the bitter gourd after squeezing thoroughly. (2-3 lots can be made ) Fry till brown, add masala and a little masala water. Cover and cook for a while. Then open the lid and keep on a low flame till done. As salt is added to bitter gourd initially, there may not be any need to add any more salt.



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